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Italian Greetings and Social Interactions: A Practical Guide Saying Hello and Goodbye

  • Ciao! (Informal) / Salve! (Formal): Used for both greetings and farewells.
  • Buongiorno! (Good day): Often shortened to “Giorno.”

o Buona giornata! (Have a good day!)

o Buondi! (Informal “good day”)
• Buona sera! (Good evening): Often shortened to “Sera.”

o Buona serata! (Have a good evening!)

  • Arrivederci! (Formal) / Ci vediamo! (Informal): Goodbye, see you later/soon.
  • A presto! (See you soon!) / Alla prossima! (Until next time!) / A domani! (See you


  • Buona notte! (Good night): Used only when going to bed.

    Meeting New People

• Piacere! (Pleasure): Short for “Piacere di conoscerti” (Pleased to meet you). Reply with

“Piacere mio!” (The pleasure is mine!).

Informal Conversations

  • Come stai? / Tutto bene? / Come va?: How are you? Answer with “Tutto bene, grazie. E tu?” (All good, thanks.And you?).
  • Tutto a posto? (All in order?): Informal “How are you?” Reply with “Tutto aposto!” (All good!).
  • Come andiamo? (How are we doing?): Reply with “Tutto bene,” “Molto bene,” or “Tutto ottimo” (All good/Very good/Excellent).
  • Allora? Tutto bene? (So, all good?): A filler phrase to start a conversation.
  • Cosa mi racconti? / Cosa mi racconti di bello? (What’s up? Anything fun

    happening?): A great way to engage with someone you know.

  • Carissimo/a/i! (Dearest): Used between friends and close acquaintances.

    Essential Phrases for Travelers

  • Parla inglese? (Do you speak English?)
  • Non parlo italiano. (I don’t speak Italian.)
  • Mi sono perso/a. (I’m lost.)
  • Aiuto! (Help!)
  • Dov’è…? (Where is…?)

    Useful Questions and Phrases

• Scusa/Scusi, come si dice…? (Excuse me, how do you say…?) / Cosa significa…? (What does it mean…?)

  • Dove è il bagno/i servizi? (Where is the bathroom?) / Dove si trova la farmacia? (Where is the pharmacy?)
  • Piano piano per favore. (Slowly, please.)
  • Quanto costa…? (How much does…cost?) / Quanto viene? (How much is it?)
  • Il conto, per favore. (The bill, please.)
  • Posso pagare con carta/in contanti? (Can I pay by card/in cash?)
  • Senza fattura. (No invoice needed.)
  • Come ti chiami? (What’s your name?)
  • Di dove sei? (Where are you from?)
  • Quando apre il ristorante/i negozi? (When does the restaurant/shops open?)
  • Perché…? (Why?) / Prendiamo l’aperitivo? (Should we have an aperitivo?) / Perché

    no! (Why not!)

  • Permesso, posso passare? (Excuse me, may I pass?)
  • Un tavolo per due, per favore! (A table for two, please!)
  • Possiamo ordinare? (Can we order?)
  • Signora/Signore, scusi? (Ma’am/Sir, excuse me?)

    At the Restaurant

  • Vorrei… (I would like…)
  • Un bicchiere di vino, per favore. (A glass of wine, please.)
  • L’acqua frizzante/naturale. (Sparkling/still water.)
  • Posso avere…? (Can I have…?)
  • Il menu, per favore. (The menu, please.)


  • Quanto costa questo? (How much is this?)
  • Posso provarlo/a? (Can I try it on?)
  • Avete una taglia più grande/piccola? (Do you have a larger/smaller size?)

    Colloquial Expressions

  • Ecco qua/eccoci qua! (Here we are!) / Cosa prendiamo? (What are we having?): Typical waiter greeting.
  • Uno sconto, per favore? (A discount, please?): Used in small shops when paying in cash.
  • Non c’è problema; Nessun problema. (No problem.)
  • Mi dispiace. (I’m sorry.)
  • Molto gentile, grazie! / Gentilissimo! (Very kind of you!)

    Additional Phrases

  • Grazie, molte grazie, grazie mille! (Thank you very much!)
  • Prego; non c’è di che; di niente. (You’re welcome.)
  • Cosa raccomanda/consiglia? (What do you recommend/suggest?): Useful at restaurants.
  • Benissimo! (Very well/very good): A way to respond when a waiter asks if everything is alright.
  • Bellissimo/Bello! (Beautiful): Used for commenting on something visually appealing.
  • Buonissimo/Buono! (Delicious/Good): Used for commenting on food. Other options

    include “Fantastico,” “Spettacolare,” “Delizioso,” and “Squisito.”

    Cultural Tips

  • Greetings: Italians typically greet each other with a kiss on each cheek (starting with the right). This is more common among friends and family.
  • Formality: Use “Lei” (formal “you”) when addressing strangers, older people, or those in authority. Use “tu” (informal “you”) with friends, family, and children.
  • Gestures: Italians are known for their expressive hand gestures. Pay attention to body language to better understand the conversation.